The design of light environment is science and art, and it is an important part of the design of the KTV. Lamplight is a kind of silent image language, it reflects the thought of the designer through brightness, color, pattern, change. Volume type KTV lighting and general lighting is different, its main function is not like office lighting, shines things so everyone could see clearly, but created by the lights of the psychedelic intense stimulation effect, in order to achieve the purpose of business spending. Guangzhou stage lamplight a good quantity sells KTV project, the good and bad of lamplight design are directly related to the overall effect, ma hu is not allowed. The design of lamplight should be divided into artistic illume and general illume, emergency illume three parts.
Artistic illume is to decorate with the illume design that gives priority to with colour, it is the important part of the design of the quantity of the KTV. Art lighting is commonly used in the stage lighting design, door head lighting, and sometimes in public space corridor lighting design. It has the space sense, colorful stage art illumination, can add psychedelic, mysterious color to the stage. Unique and novel door headlights are designed to attract more potential customers. Expert introduction, comprehensive stage light should be the average illuminance on the 1000 lx, or the layout of the directional lamps and lanterns is strewn at random have send, the direction of the projection to the omni-directional, combined with the control system can produce sharp, strong sense of rhythm. The upper part of the dance floor is fitted with a small cosmic lamp and a sound light, which has a movement that enables customers to dance to the light.
Volume type KTV lighting art, all kinds of lights from afar main and auxiliary illumination supplement each other, cutting transitional nature of the space, with a strong contrast to create a carnival, lively entertainment atmosphere. Lamplight colour collocation should fall to be generous, bright eye, flowery, form beautiful beautiful lamplight contrast effect, build rich administrative levels feeling, stereo feeling space.
It USES illumination to represent spatial themes
In each space has its theme melody, just like a story consists of the main line, the content of the other elements are in service for the main line, lighting design is one of the elements in space. Create a volume type KTV light space effect, should first focus on space narrative theme, theme atmosphere of performance according to need to build the environment atmosphere, like using light to tell a story. In the design, the theme style of the space is displayed by using the light color change, brightness contrast and light shadow performance. Stylist thinks, the success of the lighting design processing in many complex space can have the effect of subtle differentiate space, by controlling the difference of color temperature, illumination and color difference, difference, the role of guiding, join space.
Light role in volume type KTV box, foil atmosphere cheerful customers to the greatest extent, emphatically in the different stages of consumption for different lighting, complex multiloop control and reasonable combination of the different light source is an important means to realize this aim. In particular, the choice of indirect illumination will enhance the effect of the atmosphere of the foil, such as LED lighting in the tea table. The synchronization of the luminescent wall and sound.
The designers of KTV design believe that if you want to use the space quality of a KTV, you need to pay attention to the following points:
Use light to enrich spatial hierarchies;
The combination relationship between the spatial structure and the structure of the space, and the composition of the space.
3. In terms of coordinate spatial relations, influenced by people's visual experience, volume type KTV open space is proportional to the brightness of light, bright room feel a little bit bigger, feel to be a little bit small dark room;
4. Through the light show of the virtual and real space, such as lighting, on the bottom of furniture to make objects with ground "from", form the effect of the suspension, to suppress the space becomes lightsome.
The specificity of color reflects space
The various elements of the environment have different colors, and the colors of the beams of guangzhou light up the atmosphere. Therefore, color design is not an independent body, it USES the mechanism effect of the material, the color performance needs the help of the light to realize. Different intensity of illumination and light color, illumination Angle and direction of light and color rendering has different impact on performance of the material and color, if use undeserved, can highlight material, can't correct color performance.
A particular tone tends to correspond to a particular environment. Different environmental colors give people different feelings. The change of color environment in the KTV, mainly because of the different light color. Each color of light has its symbolic value, in the case of the KTV, which is generally used in red, yellow, green, blue and purple. Because of all red is the colour of the colour of the strongest and most angry visual feeling, in the design of volume type KTV, use type KTV places, usually use red, yellow, green, blue, and purple is more light. Because of all red is the colour of the colour of the strongest and most angry visual feeling, in the design of volume type KTV, can use red light enthusiasm and vigor into interior space. Yellow on the color wheel is highest colour lightness, radiant, lightsome and lively, vibrant, it has a warm, cheerful, refreshing effect, often used as a positive, progress and civilization, a symbol of the light. The use of yellow light in the quantity dealer type KTV can make the whole space show a kind of warm and lively atmosphere. Green is the symbol of the vitality and natural force of the plant growth, vitality, freshness and tranquility in nature. Applying green light is calming, relaxing and reduces fatigue. Psychologically, blue is quiet, and the cool light from blue comes with an introverted deterrent, a popular choice for the volume seller KTV. And purple gives a person noble and mysterious visual effect, the use purple light in the quantity dealer type KTV is more mysterious, noble mystery is self-evident.